Humans of...San Antonio
Launched in 2012, Humans of San Antonio is a part of the international Humans of... project which began in New York City with worldwide affiliates located in Paris, Tehran, and beyond. Stella Savage and Michael Cirlos took on the project and soon expanded to include other photographers and inspired individuals on their team.
Mayor Julian Castro and District 1 Councilman Diego Bernal express that downtown is a place where all residents can claim their piece of San Antonio. Growing up on San Antonio's north side suburbs, Michael Cirlos is all too familiar with the stigmas associated with the center city. This effort, he hopes, will create for citizens a redefined image of the downtown area.
On foot and bike, HOSA carries out their mission of demystifying downtown by promoting the diversity of its citizens through photojournalism, sharing their stories with not only San Antonio, but for all the world to experience.
Humans of SA staff:
Michael Cirlos
Stella Savage
Monica Sosa
Scott Ball
I sat down with Michael Cirlos and Scott Ball to get some words about the project..
Community at Large: Why take on the Humans of... project for this city?
Humans of San Antonio:
Community at Large: In the video spot, you mention San Antonio as a segregated city. How have you experienced that segregation?
Humans of San Antonio:
CL: How has the site been received by fellow San Antonians?
CL: When you're out in the streets are you looking for someone specific? What draws you to the people?
CL: After hundreds of stories and photographs, can you give any profound examples that have made an impact?
graphic courtesy of HoSA
- You can participate in their 1st Annual Community Photograph on Friday, November 1st at 5:30pm, Alamo Plaza
This interview was recorded at the IAMA(International Academy and Music of the Arts) coffee house